Changing perceptions – Ultimit brand launch

Conor Seed

The Ultimit Brand was launched in 2011 at the Beehive. 

The ESITO Board committed $150,000 from reserves to undertake further research. Two cohort groups of female Electricity Supply trainees were, recruited and employed by Northpower and Electrix.  Heathrose Research were contracted to follow these females over the course of two-years.

From following the females and companies on this journey the research showed women:

  • enhanced the teams they were part of
  • brought new approaches to their roles
  • were perceived by managers as more health and safety conscious, with better attention to detail, less likely to take shortcuts and more likely to adhere to standard procedures.
  • found new techniques and tools for completing physically demanding tasks. This benefited all employees with improved techniques, reducing the risk of accidents and injury from fatigue and undertaking heavy work.

To continue work on Ultimit funding was gained through lobbying CEOs and Key people in the Electricity Supply Industry.  $350,000 was raised over three years allowing for a project manager to be employed and for the brand to gain profile and increase visibility within the industry.