New Zealand's infrastructure industry has a skills gap when it comes to areas such as upgrading roading networks, replacing leaky water pipes, maintaining power lines or installing faster broadband technology. These jobs are in high-demand, can be a lot of fun, and provide varied career paths…for women just as much as men.
Girls with Hi-Vis® gives Year 11-13 female students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, hear from inspirational women in the industry and learn what a career in the infrastructure's civil, energy, telecommunications and water industries can offer.
Please fill out the below form to register your interest in co-hosting a Girls with Hi-Vis event in 2024. To find out more about co-hosting a GWHV event, click here.
Please note that while you may not hear from us immediately about your expression of interest, we will be collating these for 2024 and will be back in touch in November 2023. If you have any questions about the status of your application, please email us at gwhv@connexis.org.nz.